Conference Programme

With a view to refining the text of CHIST-ERA Call 2013, the programme of the Conference features a combination of plenary and facilitated break-out sessions, high-level keynote talks by internationally renowned specialists, and poster presentations. The 13th of June is dedicated to the topic Adaptive Machines in Complex Environments (AMCE) and the 14th of June concerns to the topic Heterogeneous Distributed Computing (HDC). In addition, the Conference comprises two specific information sessions: FET domain in H2020 and recommendations to potential applicants to Call 2013.
The abstracts of talks and posters are available here.
In the evening of the 13th of June, all attendees are invited to join the Conference Networking Dinner at Restaurant Kolya (20:00), located at the Hotel Manos Premier, right opposite the Conference venue.
Schedule | 13/06/2013 - AMCE | 14/06/2012 - HDC |
Welcome and registration (coffee/pastries available)
Welcome and registration (coffee/pastries available)
Welcome address
Freia Van Hee (FNRS, CHIST-ERA Representative)
Edouard Geoffrois (ANR, CHIST-ERA Coordinator)
Welcome address
Freia Van Hee (FNRS, CHIST-ERA Representative)
Edouard Geoffrois (ANR, CHIST-ERA Coordinator)
09:15 |
Wolfgang Boch (DG Connect, Head of Flagship Unit)
Ales Fiala (DG Connect, Head of FET Unit)
09:30 |
Erhan Öztop (Özyegin University, Computer Science Faculty Member)
Jean Sennelart (Systran, Chief Scientist - Machine Translation)
Joanna Bryson (University of Bath, Professor in Computer Science Department)
Schahram Dustdar (Vienna University of Technology, Head of Distributed Systems Group)
Luca Gammaitoni (University of Perugia, Professor in Physics Department)
Pawel Czarnul (Gdansk University of Technology, Assistant Professor in the Computer Architecture Department) |
10:30 | ||
The Deep Challenge Of Making Adaptive Systems Safe And Trustworthy
Alan Winfield (University of West England, Professor of Electronic Engineering)
Panel discussion
Schahram Dustdar (Moderator), Luca Gammaitoni, Pawel Czarnul
Panel discussion
Erhan Öztop, Jean Sennelart, Joanna Bryson, Alan Winfield (Moderator)
Information for Call 2013 applicants
Richard Gunn (EPSRC, CHIST-ERA Representative)
Information for Call 2013 applicants
Richard Gunn (EPSRC, CHIST-ERA Representative)
Lunch / poster networking session
Lunch / poster networking session
13:30 |
Parallel break-out sessions (I)
Session attendees, facilitator
Parallel break-out sessions (I)
Session attendees, facilitator
Coffee pause / poster networking session
Coffee pause / poster networking session
15:45 |
Parallel break-out sessions (II)
Session attendees, facilitator
Parallel break-out sessions (II)
Session attendees, facilitator
17:20 |
Wrap-up & next steps (plenary)
Gilles Dubochet (SNSF, CHIST-ERA Representative)
Wrap-up & next steps (plenary)
Gilles Dubochet (SNSF, CHIST-ERA Representative)
17:30 |
Poster networking session
Poster networking session
End of Conference day 1
End of Conference day 2
Networking dinner